I have learned that going to school is a lot like having a job outside the home. You have to be at the school at a certain time. You are instructed by your professors to complete tasks. More importantly, you should GROW and improve over time. I am currently enrolled in a Workplace Principles class, which is not only a class about creating resumes, cover letters, and the like. This class helps teach discipline, time management, setting goals & completing them, and self-image. I think this is a class that can benefit EVERYONE, no matter what your job or title is in life =)
With all this said, my professor has challenged us to try to eliminate an old habit and start a new, positive one. The old habit is supposed to something that is hindering your success, and the new habit is supposed to be something to help you succeed. There were students who chose to stop smoking, while others wanted to start saving more money. What did I choose??
The new habit I would like to start is that I want to start getting up earlier everyday. I have noticed that since I started school, and now that I have a routine of sorts, I feel more productive and DEFINITELY get a lot more done. I think a lot of this is due to my drive or my want for success. BUT I do think a lot of this has to do, too, with the fact that I am up earlier and have more time to complete tasks all around me.
The old habit I would like to break is more of a personal one. Most people who know me off of the computer do know that I am the kind of person who finds it hard to tell people "no." I would break my neck for just about anyone around me in order to help them with just about anything. I am glad that people feel that they can come to me with problems, tasks, and ideas, however, I have found that my lack of saying, "no," sometimes overwhelms. I become consumed with issues, problems, and tasks, that I often put other things off that need to be done, and I am left rushing to complete other tasks hurriedly, which can lessen the quality of work. This isn't to say I do not want to continue to be dependable and helpful. It's more that I need to learn to prioritize and remember that some things need to come before others.
My class is taking the 21-Day Challenge to change our behaviors, since it takes only 21 days to kick a habit! So with that said, what about you? What habit(s) would you like to break? What new habit(s) would you like to start? How will you reach your goal? I am keeping a journal of things I do every week to help solidify the changes I am trying to make in my life. These changes will allow me to be a more successful person all around. Let's take the 21-Day challenge together!! =)
<3 Kayla
Girl I love ya, and I know whats it like to never say no to someone who you feel rally needs you. The habit I NEED to break is staying up so late! grant4d my insomnia doesn't help, but sitting on here until I pass out isn't the answer. I'm doing a 30 day challenge right now on the Wii and I'd love to do a 21 day one with you... I just need to find a positive to replace my negative. I already get up at 6:30... not pushing that one right now. hummmm